Kaggle Machine Learning and Data Science Survey

Éverton Bin

1- Introduction

Data Science has become more and more popular over the years and probably one of the most common questions is: how do I get started in this field?. And one common answer to the previous question is: work on some competitions in the Kaggle platform.

Kaggle is indeed one of the most popular platforms when it comes to Data Science and even if you are not willing to compete, there is a long list of datasets available for you to work on and sharpen your abilities. One of these datasets is the 2019 Kaggle Machine Learning and Data Science Survey, and that is the one I am going to use in this project to see what we can learn from it.

The target questions that are going to guide the following workflow are:

  • What is the educational background of those working as data scientists / analysts? Which courses have they attended if any?
  • Which are the main activities that they have to perform in their companies? Would it be all about machine learning?
  • Which programming language, machine learning frameworks and relational databases do they use the most?
  • Are there some specific characteristics that could affect their salary?
  • Finally, one model will be created to see how well we can distinguish the different professions in Data Science field, given other information like salary, courses attended and activities performed.

    2- Loading Data

    In [1]:
    # Loading packages:
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
    import seaborn as sns
    %matplotlib inline
    import warnings
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
    from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
    In [2]:
    # Reading the file:
    survey = pd.read_csv('multiple_choice_responses.csv')
    Time from Start to Finish (seconds) Q1 Q2 Q2_OTHER_TEXT Q3 Q4 Q5 Q5_OTHER_TEXT Q6 Q7 ... Q34_Part_4 Q34_Part_5 Q34_Part_6 Q34_Part_7 Q34_Part_8 Q34_Part_9 Q34_Part_10 Q34_Part_11 Q34_Part_12 Q34_OTHER_TEXT
    0 Duration (in seconds) What is your age (# years)? What is your gender? - Selected Choice What is your gender? - Prefer to self-describe... In which country do you currently reside? What is the highest level of formal education ... Select the title most similar to your current ... Select the title most similar to your current ... What is the size of the company where you are ... Approximately how many individuals are respons... ... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro... Which of the following relational database pro...
    1 510 22-24 Male -1 France Master’s degree Software Engineer -1 1000-9,999 employees 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1
    2 423 40-44 Male -1 India Professional degree Software Engineer -1 > 10,000 employees 20+ ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1
    3 83 55-59 Female -1 Germany Professional degree NaN -1 NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1
    4 391 40-44 Male -1 Australia Master’s degree Other 0 > 10,000 employees 20+ ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Azure SQL Database NaN NaN NaN -1

    5 rows × 246 columns

    In [3]:
    # Checking dataframe's shape:
    (19718, 246)

    As we can see, there are 246 different variables available in the survey and almost 20000 observations. The first row contains the explanation for each one of the questions. Because of that, I have decided to delete this first row and transform column names so they can relate to the content of the question.

    Also, in a previous analysis, I have already selected some columns of interest that could help answering the target questions.

    In [4]:
    # List for selecting columns of interest:
    target_columns = ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4', 'Q5', 'Q6',
                      'Q9_Part_1', 'Q9_Part_2', 'Q9_Part_3', 'Q9_Part_4', 'Q9_Part_5', 'Q9_Part_6', 'Q9_Part_7', 'Q9_Part_8',
                      'Q13_Part_1', 'Q13_Part_2', 'Q13_Part_3', 'Q13_Part_4', 'Q13_Part_5', 'Q13_Part_6', 'Q13_Part_7',
                      'Q13_Part_8', 'Q13_Part_9', 'Q13_Part_10', 'Q13_Part_11', 'Q13_Part_12',
                      'Q18_Part_1', 'Q18_Part_2', 'Q18_Part_3', 'Q18_Part_4', 'Q18_Part_5', 'Q18_Part_6', 'Q18_Part_7',
                      'Q18_Part_8', 'Q18_Part_9', 'Q18_Part_10', 'Q18_Part_11', 'Q18_Part_12',
                      'Q28_Part_1', 'Q28_Part_2', 'Q28_Part_3', 'Q28_Part_4', 'Q28_Part_5', 'Q28_Part_6', 'Q28_Part_7',
                      'Q28_Part_8', 'Q28_Part_9', 'Q28_Part_10', 'Q28_Part_11', 'Q28_Part_12',
                      'Q34_Part_1', 'Q34_Part_2', 'Q34_Part_3', 'Q34_Part_4', 'Q34_Part_5', 'Q34_Part_6', 'Q34_Part_7',
                      'Q34_Part_8', 'Q34_Part_9', 'Q34_Part_10', 'Q34_Part_11', 'Q34_Part_12']
    # Dictionary for transforming columns' name to more informative values:
    columns_names = {'Q1': 'Age', 'Q2': 'Gender', 'Q3': 'Res_Country', 'Q4': 'Education',
                     'Q5': 'Current_Role', 'Q6': 'Company_Size',
                     'Q9_Part_1': 'actv_Data-Analysis', 'Q9_Part_2': 'actv_Data-Infra', 'Q9_Part_3': 'actv_ML-Prototypes',
                     'Q9_Part_4': 'actv_ML-Services', 'Q9_Part_5': 'actv_ML-Improvement', 'Q9_Part_6': 'actv_ML-Reserach',
                     'Q9_Part_7': 'actv_None', 'Q9_Part_8': 'actv_Other',
                     'Q10': 'Annual_Income',
                     'Q13_Part_1': 'course_Udacity', 'Q13_Part_2': 'course_Coursera', 'Q13_Part_3': 'course_edX',
                     'Q13_Part_4': 'course_DataCamp', 'Q13_Part_5': 'course_DataQuest', 'Q13_Part_6': 'course_Kaggle',
                     'Q13_Part_7': 'course_Fast-ai', 'Q13_Part_8': 'course_Udemy', 'Q13_Part_9': 'course_LinkedIn',
                     'Q13_Part_10': 'course_University-Degree', 'Q13_Part_11': 'course_None', 'Q13_Part_12': 'course_Other',
                     'Q15': 'Years_Coding',
                     'Q18_Part_1': 'prog_Python', 'Q18_Part_2': 'prog_R', 'Q18_Part_3': 'prog_SQL', 'Q18_Part_4': 'prog_C',
                     'Q18_Part_5': 'prog_C++', 'Q18_Part_6': 'prog_Java', 'Q18_Part_7': 'prog_Javascript',
                     'Q18_Part_8': 'prog_Typerscript', 'Q18_Part_9': 'prog_Bash', 'Q18_Part_10': 'prog_MATLAB',
                     'Q18_Part_11': 'prog_None', 'Q18_Part_12': 'prog_Other',
                     'Q28_Part_1': 'ml_framew_Scikit', 'Q28_Part_2': 'ml_framew_TensorFlow', 'Q28_Part_3': 'ml_framew_Keras',
                     'Q28_Part_4': 'ml_framew_RandomForest', 'Q28_Part_5': 'ml_framew_Xgboost', 'Q28_Part_6': 'ml_framew_Pytorch',
                     'Q28_Part_7': 'ml_framew_Caret', 'Q28_Part_8': 'ml_framew_LightGBM', 'Q28_Part_9': 'ml_framew_SparkMLib',
                     'Q28_Part_10': 'ml_framew_Fast-ai', 'Q28_Part_11': 'ml_framew_None', 'Q28_Part_12': 'ml_framew_Other',
                     'Q34_Part_1': 'relDB_MySQL', 'Q34_Part_2': 'relDB_PostgresSQL', 'Q34_Part_3': 'relDB_SQLite',
                     'Q34_Part_4': 'relDB_SQLServer', 'Q34_Part_5': 'relDB_Oracle', 'Q34_Part_6': 'relDB_Access',
                     'Q34_Part_7': 'relDB_AWS-relDB-Server', 'Q34_Part_8': 'relDB_AWS-DynamoDB', 'Q34_Part_9': 'relDB_AzureSQL',
                     'Q34_Part_10': 'relDB_GoogleCloudSQL', 'Q34_Part_11': 'relDB_None', 'Q34_Part_12': 'relDB_Other'}
    In [5]:
    # Selecting columns of interest:
    survey = survey[target_columns]
    # Deleting first row and updating the index:
    survey = survey.drop([0], axis = 0).reset_index(drop = True)
    # Changing columns' name:
    survey.rename(columns = columns_names, inplace = True)
    # Checking first rows after transformations:
    Age Gender Res_Country Education Current_Role Company_Size actv_Data-Analysis actv_Data-Infra actv_ML-Prototypes actv_ML-Services ... relDB_SQLite relDB_SQLServer relDB_Oracle relDB_Access relDB_AWS-relDB-Server relDB_AWS-DynamoDB relDB_AzureSQL relDB_GoogleCloudSQL relDB_None relDB_Other
    0 22-24 Male France Master’s degree Software Engineer 1000-9,999 employees NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    1 40-44 Male India Professional degree Software Engineer > 10,000 employees Analyze and understand data to influence produ... Build and/or run the data infrastructure that ... Build prototypes to explore applying machine l... Build and/or run a machine learning service th... ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    2 55-59 Female Germany Professional degree NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    3 40-44 Male Australia Master’s degree Other > 10,000 employees NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Azure SQL Database NaN NaN NaN
    4 22-24 Male India Bachelor’s degree Other 0-49 employees NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

    5 rows × 64 columns

    In [6]:
    # Checking dataframe's shape after transformations:
    (19717, 64)

    We have now reduced our original 264 columns to 64 columns of interest.

    Next step, let's check which position people who participated in the survey play in their companies, once we are interested only in roles related to Data Science.

    In [7]:
    # Counting observations for different roles:
    Data Scientist             4085
    Student                    4014
    Software Engineer          2705
    Other                      1690
    Data Analyst               1598
    Research Scientist         1470
    Not employed                942
    Business Analyst            778
    Product/Project Manager     723
    Data Engineer               624
    Statistician                322
    DBA/Database Engineer       156
    Name: Current_Role, dtype: int64

    Although the roles represent different fields and specializations, let's assume that the roles most related to Data Science, representing activities that often overlap one another, are: Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Engineer and DBA/Database Engineer.

    In [8]:
    # Filtering dataframe to the specific roles of interest:
    roles_list = ['Data Scientist', 'Data Analyst', 'Business Analyst', 'Data Engineer', 'DBA/Database Engineer']
    ds_survey = survey[survey['Current_Role'].isin(roles_list)].reset_index(drop = True)
    (7241, 64)

    After this first filter and transformations, we start our exploratory analysis in order to answer the questions previously proposed.

    3- Exploratory Analysis

    Educational Background

    In [9]:
    Master’s degree                                                      3723
    Bachelor’s degree                                                    1921
    Doctoral degree                                                       957
    Professional degree                                                   241
    Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree     231
    I prefer not to answer                                                 99
    No formal education past high school                                   69
    Name: Education, dtype: int64

    Among the different professions we filtered for, we can see most of the people has achieved a Master's degree as the highest education level. The second most common highest level of education is the Bachelor's degree.

    Let's dig deeper into these numbers and try to get some extra information from them.

    In [10]:
    def bar_plot_edu(two_occupations, data = ds_survey, palette = 'GnBu_r'):
        two_occupations - list, 1 or 2 "Current_Role" values as string
        data - dataframe, default = ds_survey
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        figure plot - bar plot, x = Education Level, y = Percentage (one plot per "Current Role")
        # Defining the labels and style of the figure:
        x_label = 'Education Level'
        y_label = 'Percentage'
        # Dictionary for transforming degree's values:
        label_dict = {'Doctoral degree': 'Doctoral',
                      'Master’s degree': 'Master',
                      'Bachelor’s degree': 'Bachelor',
                      'Professional degree': 'Professional',
                      'Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree': 'Not Bachelor',
                      'No formal education past high school': 'High School',
                      'I prefer not to answer': 'No Answer'}
        # If a plot for a single profession is required:
        if len(two_occupations) == 1:
            # Configuring column values:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            ed_count = df['Education'].value_counts()
            label = list(ed_count.index)
            for k, v in label_dict.items():
                for i in range(0, len(label)):
                    if k == label[i]:
                        label[i] = v
            height  = [perc for perc in (ed_count.values/sum(ed_count.values))*100]
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 7))
            # Annotating percentage:
            for occ in range(0, len(label)):
                ax.text(occ, (height[occ] + 1), str(round(height[occ], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
            # Setting the plot:
            sns.barplot(x = label, y = height, palette = palette).set(
            xlabel = x_label,
            ylabel = y_label,
            title = 'Education Level for ' + two_occupations[0],
            ylim = (0,60))
        # If a plot for two professions is required:
        elif len(two_occupations) == 2:
            # Configuring first column values:
            df0 = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            ed_count0 = df0['Education'].value_counts()
            label0 = list(ed_count0.index)
            for k, v in label_dict.items():
                for i in range(0, len(label0)):
                    if k == label0[i]:
                        label0[i] = v
            height0  = [perc for perc in (ed_count0.values/sum(ed_count0.values))*100]
            # Confirguring second column values:
            df1 = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[1]]
            ed_count1 = df1['Education'].value_counts()
            label1 = list(ed_count1.index)
            for k, v in label_dict.items():
                for i in range(0, len(label1)):
                    if k == label1[i]:
                        label1[i] = v
            height1  = [perc for perc in (ed_count1.values/sum(ed_count1.values))*100]
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (16.5, 5))
            # Annotating percentage 1:
            for occ in range(0, len(label0)):
                ax[0].text(occ, (height0[occ] + 1), str(round(height0[occ], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
            # Setting plot 1:
            sns.barplot(x = label0, y = height0, palette = palette, ax = ax[0]).set_title('Education Level for ' + two_occupations[0])
            # Annotating percentage 2:
            for occ in range(0, len(label1)):
                ax[1].text(occ, (height1[occ] + 1), str(round(height1[occ], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
            # Setting plot 2:
            sns.barplot(x = label1, y = height1, palette = palette, ax = ax[1]).set_title('Education Level for ' + two_occupations[1])
        # If more than two professions are required:
            return print('two_occupations must be a list with 1 or 2 columns of interest')
    In [11]:
    bar_plot_edu([roles_list[0]], palette = 'summer')
    In [12]:
    bar_plot_edu([roles_list[1], roles_list[2]], palette = 'summer')
    In [13]:
    bar_plot_edu([roles_list[3], roles_list[4]], palette = 'summer')

    We can see that, independent of the role in the company, professionals with a Master's degree are always the majority among the ones who participated in the survey. The lowest proportion of Master's degrees is for DBA/Database Engineer and still it's a rate of approximately 45%.

    For all the occupations studied, the second most common education level is the Bachelor's degree. It's curious that, among data scientists, Bachelor's and Doctoral degrees percentages are pretty close to each other, especially in comparison with the other professions.

    When it comes to education, there is one more important aspect that we want to understand, and it's about the courses these professionals are more likely to attend. The relevance of the courses and platforms available online is unquestionable, as many offer a more practical approach and allow students to evolve in their own pace. Also, in the post-pandemic world, the adoption of online education should be even more relevant.

    In [14]:
    # Creating a list with the columns related to courses and platforms:
    platforms_list = ['course_Udacity', 'course_Coursera', 'course_edX', 'course_DataCamp', 'course_DataQuest', 'course_Kaggle',
                    'course_Fast-ai', 'course_Udemy', 'course_LinkedIn', 'course_University-Degree', 'course_None', 'course_Other']
    # Defining function to create a figure with the information needed:
    def platform_rank(two_occupations, data = ds_survey, palette = 'GnBu_r'):
        two_occupations - list, 1 or 2 "Current_Role" (profession) values as string
        data - dataframe, default = ds_survey
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        figure plot - horizontal bar plot, x = Percentage, y = Platforms used by each profession
        # Creating objects:
        plat1 = []
        plat2 = []
        perc1 = []
        perc2 = []
        df1 = pd.DataFrame()
        df2 = pd.DataFrame()
        # Defining the labels and style of the figure:
        x_label = 'Percentage'
        y_label = 'Educational Platform'
        # If a plot for a single profession is required:
        if len(two_occupations) == 1:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for platform in platforms_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[platform].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Platform'] = plat1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (9, 7))
            # Annotating percentages1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax.text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting the plot:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Platform', data = df1, palette = palette).set(
            xlabel = x_label,
            ylabel = y_label,
            title = 'Educational Platforms Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's',
            xlim = (0,70))
        # If a plot for two professions is required:
        elif len(two_occupations) == 2:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframes with the needed values:
            for platform in platforms_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[platform].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Platform'] = plat1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[1]]
            for platform in platforms_list:
                perc2.append(round(df[platform].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df2['Platform'] = plat2
            df2['Percentage'] = perc2
            df2 = df2.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (15.5, 8.5))
            # Annotating percentages 1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax[0].text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 1:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Platform', data = df1, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[0]).set_title('Educational Platforms Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's')
            # Annotating percentages 2:
            for i in range(0, len(df2['Percentage'])):
                ax[1].text((df2['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df2['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 2:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Platform', data = df2, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[1]).set_title('Educational Platforms Used by ' + two_occupations[1] + 's')
        # If more than two professions are required:
            return print('two_occupations must be a list with 1 or 2 columns of interest')
    In [15]:
    platform_rank([roles_list[0]], palette = 'summer')
    In [16]:
    platform_rank([roles_list[1], roles_list[2]], palette = 'summer')
    In [17]:
    platform_rank([roles_list[3], roles_list[4]], palette = 'summer')

    According to the professionals that participated in the survey, Coursera seems to be the most used educational platform. It is important to say that the question presented specific options to be selected, and more than one could be chosen. With that being said, it looks like the majority of the professionals has already attended some course through Coursera's platform in comparison to the other platforms.

    It is interesting to see that for the roles of data engineers and DBA/database engineers, Kaggle's platform outsands in second place, differing from the rank of other professionals.


    Let's check now the most common activities that these professionals perform in their daily work. When it comes to Data Science, it is usual for people to be more attracted to topics realted to machine learning algorithms. So it will be interesting to see if that is the activity that most of the professionals in the survey performs.

    In [18]:
    # Creating a list with the columns related to activities:
    activities_list = ['actv_Data-Analysis', 'actv_Data-Infra', 'actv_ML-Prototypes',
                       'actv_ML-Services', 'actv_ML-Improvement', 'actv_ML-Reserach', 'actv_None', 'actv_Other']
    # Defining function to create a figure with the information needed:
    def activites_rank(two_occupations, data = ds_survey, palette = 'GnBu_r'):
        two_occupations - list, 1 or 2 "Current_Role" (profession) values as string
        data - dataframe, default = ds_survey
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        figure plot - horizontal bar plot, x = Percentage, y = Activities performed by each profession
        # Creating objects:
        actv1 = []
        actv2 = []
        perc1 = []
        perc2 = []
        df1 = pd.DataFrame()
        df2 = pd.DataFrame()
        # Defining the labels and style of the figure:
        x_label = 'Percentage'
        y_label = 'Activities Performed'
        # If a plot for a single profession is required:
        if len(two_occupations) == 1:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for activity in activities_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[activity].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Activity'] = actv1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 7))
            # Annotating percentages:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax.text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting the plot:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Activity', data = df1, palette = palette).set(
            xlabel = x_label,
            ylabel = y_label,
            title = 'Activities Performed by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's',
            xlim = (0,80))
        # If a plot for two professions is required:
        elif len(two_occupations) == 2:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for activity in activities_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[activity].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Activity'] = actv1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[1]]
            # Creating new dataframes with the needed values:
            for activity in activities_list:
                perc2.append(round(df[activity].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df2['Activity'] = actv2
            df2['Percentage'] = perc2
            df2 = df2.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (15.5, 8.5))
            # Annotating percentages 1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax[0].text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 1:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Activity', data = df1, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[0]).set_title('Activities Performed by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's')
            # Annotating percentages 2:
            for i in range(0, len(df2['Percentage'])):
                ax[1].text((df2['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df2['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 2:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Activity', data = df2, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[1]).set_title('Activities Performed by ' + two_occupations[1] + 's')
        # If more than two professions are required:
            return print('two_occupations must be a list with 1 or 2 columns of interest')
    In [19]:
    activites_rank([roles_list[0]], palette = 'cool')
    In [20]:
    activites_rank([roles_list[1], roles_list[2]], palette = 'cool')
    In [21]:
    activites_rank([roles_list[3], roles_list[4]], palette = 'cool')

    We can see that data analysis is the most performed role, except when it comes to data engineers. In that case, as expected, working in tasks related to data infrastructure is the most common task. Even in that case, data analysis represents an important activity.

    According to the survey, dealing with data infrastructure is the second most common task for data and business analysts.

    Even though activities related to machine learning are pretty representative among data scientist's tasks, still data analysis plays a more relevant role in their daily work. It's interesting to note that, even though infrastructure is most commonly related to data engineer professionals, more than 30% of the data scientists perform activities related to data infrastructure.


    Our goal now is to identify which are the most common tools used in Data Science, would it be programming language, machine learning framework or relational database.

    In [22]:
    # Creating a list with the columns related to programming languages:
    languages_list = ['prog_Python', 'prog_R', 'prog_SQL', 'prog_C', 'prog_C++', 'prog_Java', 'prog_Javascript',
                      'prog_Typerscript', 'prog_Bash', 'prog_MATLAB', 'prog_None', 'prog_Other']
    # Defining function to create a figure with the information needed:
    def languages_rank(two_occupations, data = ds_survey, palette = 'GnBu_r'):
        two_occupations - list, 1 or 2 "Current_Role" (profession) values as string
        data - dataframe, default = ds_survey
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        figure plot - horizontal bar plot, x = Percentage, y = Languages used by each profession
        # Creating objects:
        lang1 = []
        lang2 = []
        perc1 = []
        perc2 = []
        df1 = pd.DataFrame()
        df2 = pd.DataFrame()
        # Defining the labels and style of the figure:
        x_label = 'Percentage'
        y_label = 'Programming Languages'
        # If a plot for a single profession is required:
        if len(two_occupations) == 1:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for language in languages_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[language].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Language'] = lang1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (9, 7))
            # Annotating percentages:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax.text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting the plot:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Language', data = df1, palette = palette).set(
            xlabel = x_label,
            ylabel = y_label,
            title = 'Languages Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's',
            xlim = (0,90))
        # If a plot for two professions is required:
        elif len(two_occupations) == 2:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for language in languages_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[language].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Language'] = lang1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[1]]
            # Creating new dataframes with the needed values:
            for language in languages_list:
                perc2.append(round(df[language].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df2['Language'] = lang2
            df2['Percentage'] = perc2
            df2 = df2.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (15.5, 8.5))
            # Annotating percentages 1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax[0].text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 1:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Language', data = df1, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[0]).set_title('Languages Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's')
            # Annotating percentages 2:
            for i in range(0, len(df2['Percentage'])):
                ax[1].text((df2['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df2['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 2:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Language', data = df2, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[1]).set_title('Languages Used by ' + two_occupations[1] + 's')
        # If more than two professions are required:
            return print('two_occupations must be a list with 1 or 2 columns of interest')
    In [23]:
    languages_rank([roles_list[0]], palette = 'autumn')
    In [24]:
    languages_rank([roles_list[1], roles_list[2]], palette = 'autumn')
    In [25]:
    languages_rank([roles_list[3], roles_list[4]], palette = 'autumn')

    Undoubtedly, Python and SQL are the languages most used in the Data Science field. SQL only beats Python when it comes to DBA/database engineer, which would be expected.

    For data scientists, Python is used for almost 80% of the survey's participants, showing us how popular and powerful this language can be. In the other hand, the simplicity of the SQL language does not relate to its power: no matter what role in Data Science, according to the survey, SQL will be really important while performing the needed tasks.

    R is consolidated in the third position, representing an alternative to Python, although it doesn't stand out as the main language for any of the groups.

    In [26]:
    # Creating a list with the columns related to programming languages:
    mlframew_list = ['ml_framew_Scikit', 'ml_framew_TensorFlow', 'ml_framew_Keras', 'ml_framew_RandomForest',
                     'ml_framew_Xgboost', 'ml_framew_Pytorch', 'ml_framew_Caret', 'ml_framew_LightGBM',
                     'ml_framew_SparkMLib', 'ml_framew_Fast-ai', 'ml_framew_None', 'ml_framew_Other']
    # Defining function to create a figure with the information needed:
    def mlframew_rank(two_occupations, data = ds_survey, palette = 'GnBu_r'):
        two_occupations - list, 1 or 2 "Current_Role" (profession) values as string
        data - dataframe, default = ds_survey
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        figure plot - horizontal bar plot, x = Percentage, y = Frameworks used by each profession
        # Creating objects:
        frame1 = []
        frame2 = []
        perc1 = []
        perc2 = []
        df1 = pd.DataFrame()
        df2 = pd.DataFrame()
        # Defining the labels and style of the figure:
        x_label = 'Percentage'
        y_label = 'Machine Learning Framework'
        # If a plot for a single profession is required:
        if len(two_occupations) == 1:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for framework in mlframew_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[framework].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Framework'] = frame1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (9, 7))
            # Annotating percentages1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax.text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting the plot:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Framework', data = df1, palette = palette).set(
            xlabel = x_label,
            ylabel = y_label,
            title = 'Frameworks Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's',
            xlim = (0,80))
        # If a plot for two professions is required:
        elif len(two_occupations) == 2:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for framework in mlframew_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[framework].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Framework'] = frame1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[1]]
            # Creating new dataframes with the needed values:
            for framework in mlframew_list:
                perc2.append(round(df[framework].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df2['Framework'] = frame2
            df2['Percentage'] = perc2
            df2 = df2.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (15.5, 8.5))
            # Annotating percentages 1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax[0].text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 1:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Framework', data = df1, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[0]).set_title('Frameworks Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's')
            # Annotating percentages 2:
            for i in range(0, len(df2['Percentage'])):
                ax[1].text((df2['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df2['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 2:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Framework', data = df2, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[1]).set_title('Frameworks Used by ' + two_occupations[1] + 's')
        # If more than two professions are required:
            return print('two_occupations must be a list with 1 or 2 columns of interest')
    In [27]:
    mlframew_rank([roles_list[0]], palette = 'autumn')
    In [28]:
    mlframew_rank([roles_list[1], roles_list[2]], palette = 'autumn')
    In [29]:
    mlframew_rank([roles_list[3], roles_list[4]], palette = 'autumn')

    Once we found out that Python is the most used language among Kaggle survey's participants, it was expected that Scikit-Learn would be as well the most used machine learning framework, and we have just confirmed that.

    What stands out is the fact that among data and business analysts, Random Forest is the second most used machine learning framework, while for the other professionals this place belongs to Keras framework.

    In [30]:
    # Creating a list with the columns related to programming languages:
    reldb_list = ['relDB_MySQL', 'relDB_PostgresSQL', 'relDB_SQLite', 'relDB_SQLServer', 'relDB_Oracle',
                  'relDB_Access', 'relDB_AWS-relDB-Server', 'relDB_AWS-DynamoDB', 'relDB_AzureSQL',
                  'relDB_GoogleCloudSQL', 'relDB_None', 'relDB_Other']
    # Defining function to create a figure with the information needed:
    def reldb_rank(two_occupations, data = ds_survey, palette = 'GnBu_r'):
        two_occupations - list, 1 or 2 "Current_Role" (profession) values as string
        data - dataframe, default = ds_survey
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        figure plot - horizontal bar plot, x = Percentage, y = Relational databases used by each profession
        # Creating objects:
        db1 = []
        db2 = []
        perc1 = []
        perc2 = []
        df1 = pd.DataFrame()
        df2 = pd.DataFrame()
        # Defining the labels and style of the figure:
        x_label = 'Percentage'
        y_label = 'Relational Database'
        # If a plot for a single profession is required:
        if len(two_occupations) == 1:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for db in reldb_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[db].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Database'] = db1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (9, 7))
            # Annotating percentages:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax.text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting the plot:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Database', data = df1, palette = palette).set(
            xlabel = x_label,
            ylabel = y_label,
            title = 'Relational Databases Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's',
            xlim = (0,50))
        # If a plot for two professions is required:
        elif len(two_occupations) == 2:
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[0]]
            # Creating new dataframe with the needed values:
            for db in reldb_list:
                perc1.append(round(df[db].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df1['Database'] = db1
            df1['Percentage'] = perc1
            df1 = df1.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Filtering dataframe for the specific profession:
            df = data[data['Current_Role'] == two_occupations[1]]
            # Creating new dataframes with the needed values:
            for db in reldb_list:
                perc2.append(round(df[db].notnull().mean()*100, 2))
            df2['Database'] = db2
            df2['Percentage'] = perc2
            df2 = df2.sort_values('Percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
            # Creating the figure:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (15.5, 8.5))
            # Annotating percentages 1:
            for i in range(0, len(df1['Percentage'])):
                ax[0].text((df1['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df1['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 1:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Database', data = df1, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[0]).set_title('Relational Databases Used by ' + two_occupations[0] + 's')
            # Annotating percentages 2:
            for i in range(0, len(df2['Percentage'])):
                ax[1].text((df2['Percentage'][i] + 0.5), i, str(round(df2['Percentage'][i], 1))+'%', c = 'k',
                        fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center')
            # Setting plot 2:
            sns.barplot(x = 'Percentage', y = 'Database', data = df2, palette = palette,
                        ax = ax[1]).set_title('Relational Databases Used by ' + two_occupations[1] + 's')
        # If more than two professions are required:
            return print('two_occupations must be a list with 1 or 2 columns of interest')
    In [31]:
    reldb_rank([roles_list[0]], palette = 'autumn')
    In [32]:
    reldb_rank([roles_list[1], roles_list[2]], palette = 'autumn')
    In [33]:
    reldb_rank([roles_list[3], roles_list[4]], palette = 'autumn')

    When it comes to relational databases, MySQL outsantds in the majority of the professional groups. MySQL only gives place to SQL Server in the group of DBA/databases engineers.

    We can see that cloud services like Google Cloud SQL still haven't overcome traditional databases like MySQL, Postgrees and SQL Server, but many believe that it's just a matter of time, since cloud computing provides a lot of benefits in terms of physical structure, maintenance or costs (it is possible to pay according to the storage size or usage time).


    Let's talk about money?

    In [34]:
    # Checking how salary have been treated over the survey:
    $0-999             762
    10,000-14,999      408
    100,000-124,999    406
    40,000-49,999      392
    30,000-39,999      389
    50,000-59,999      378
    1,000-1,999        326
    60,000-69,999      312
    70,000-79,999      286
    125,000-149,999    275
    20,000-24,999      260
    5,000-7,499        253
    15,000-19,999      248
    150,000-199,999    244
    25,000-29,999      242
    7,500-9,999        215
    80,000-89,999      203
    90,000-99,999      202
    2,000-2,999        185
    3,000-3,999        139
    4,000-4,999        126
    200,000-249,999     74
    > $500,000          42
    250,000-299,999     34
    300,000-500,000     28
    Name: Annual_Income, dtype: int64
    In [35]:
    # Checking NaN values for salary:
    null_perc = ds_survey['Annual_Income'].isnull().mean()
    print('About ' + str(int((null_perc*100))) + '% of the participants did not declare their incomes.')
    About 11% of the participants did not declare their incomes.

    Two things to be considered:

  • although we have filtered the dataframe in a way that students and not employed were excluded, 762 professionals have declared their incomes were in a range of 0 to 999. We are going to take this statement as true;
  • about 11% haven't declared their incomes and we are going to ignore them while exploring salary's matter.
  • In [36]:
    # Creating function to transform income range into average salary:
    def range_to_avg_salary(row):
        row - range of salary values as string
        avg_salary - average salary value as integer
        if type(row) == str:
            # Salary range 0 - 999:
            if row.startswith('$'):
                avg_salary = 500
            # Salary range > 500,000:
            elif row.startswith('>'):
                avg_salary = 500000
            # Salary range 1,000 to 500,000 or Nan:
                numbers = row.replace(',', '').split('-')
                num1 = int(numbers[0])
                num2 = int(numbers[1])
                avg_salary = (num1 + (num2 + 1))/2
            avg_salary = np.nan
        return avg_salary
    # Applying function to the Annual_Income column:
    ds_survey['Avg_Salary'] = ds_survey['Annual_Income'].apply(range_to_avg_salary)
    # Deleting rows with NaN values for salary:
    ds_survey_sal = ds_survey.dropna(subset = ['Avg_Salary'])
    In [37]:
    # Average salary by role (mean):
    ds_survey_sal.groupby('Current_Role')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Data Scientist           61546.225275
    Data Engineer            54965.519964
    DBA/Database Engineer    48978.420863
    Business Analyst         44159.825513
    Data Analyst             36105.681722
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [38]:
    # Average salary by role (median):
    ds_survey_sal.groupby('Current_Role')['Avg_Salary'].median().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Data Scientist           45000.0
    Data Engineer            35000.0
    DBA/Database Engineer    35000.0
    Business Analyst         22500.0
    Data Analyst             17500.0
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [39]:
    # Average salary by gender (mean):
    ds_survey_sal.groupby('Gender')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Prefer to self-describe    159625.000000
    Prefer not to say           66725.701389
    Male                        54714.825527
    Female                      44003.631171
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [40]:
    # Counting observations for 'Prefer to self_describe' value:
    Male                       5316
    Female                     1033
    Prefer not to say            72
    Prefer to self-describe       8
    Name: Gender, dtype: int64
    In [41]:
    # Since there's only 8 observations for 'Prefer to self_describe' gender value, we are not going to consider them:
    ds_survey_gender = ds_survey_sal[ds_survey_sal['Gender'] != 'Prefer to self-describe']
    In [42]:
    # Average salary by gender (mean) - excluding 'Prefer to self_describe' gender value:
    ds_survey_gender.groupby('Gender')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Prefer not to say    66725.701389
    Male                 54714.825527
    Female               44003.631171
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [43]:
    # Average salary by gender (median) - excluding 'Prefer to self_describe' gender value:
    ds_survey_gender.groupby('Gender')['Avg_Salary'].median().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Prefer not to say    45000.0
    Male                 35000.0
    Female               22500.0
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [44]:
    # Average salary by Education (mean):
    ds_survey_sal.groupby('Education')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Doctoral degree                                                      80326.816456
    Master’s degree                                                      54417.020199
    No formal education past high school                                 50907.903509
    Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree    44650.528796
    I prefer not to answer                                               43188.356164
    Professional degree                                                  40730.419355
    Bachelor’s degree                                                    40278.300293
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [45]:
    # Average salary by Education (median):
    ds_survey_sal.groupby('Education')['Avg_Salary'].median().sort_values(ascending = False)
    Doctoral degree                                                      65000.0
    Master’s degree                                                      35000.0
    Professional degree                                                  17500.0
    No formal education past high school                                 17500.0
    I prefer not to answer                                               17500.0
    Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree    12500.0
    Bachelor’s degree                                                    12500.0
    Name: Avg_Salary, dtype: float64
    In [46]:
    # Creating plot for average salary per occupation:
    # Grouping by occupation and calculating the mean value:
    occ_sal = ds_survey_sal.groupby('Current_Role')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    # Creating the figure:
    x_label = 'Occupation'
    y_label = 'Mean Annual Salary'
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (9, 5))
    # Annotating avg salary:
    for occ in range(0, len(occ_sal.values)):
        ax.text(occ, (occ_sal.values[occ] + 1500), str(int(occ_sal.values[occ]))+'$', c = 'k',
                fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
    # Setting the plot:
    sns.barplot(x = occ_sal.index, y = occ_sal.values, palette = 'winter').set(
    xlabel = x_label,
    ylabel = y_label,
    title = 'Mean Annual Salary per Occupation',
    ylim = (0,70000))
    In [47]:
    # Grouping by Company Size and calculating the mean value:
    comp_sal = ds_survey_sal.groupby('Company_Size')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    # Creating the figure:
    x_label = 'Company Size'
    y_label = 'Mean Annual Salary'
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (9, 5))
    # Annotating avg salary:
    for comp in range(0, len(comp_sal.values)):
        ax.text(comp, (comp_sal.values[comp] + 1500), str(int(comp_sal.values[comp]))+'$', c = 'k',
                fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
    # Setting the plot:
    sns.barplot(x = comp_sal.index, y = comp_sal.values, palette = 'winter').set(
    xlabel = x_label,
    ylabel = y_label,
    title = 'Mean Annual Salary per Company Size - All Occupations',
    ylim = (0,70000))
    In [48]:
    # Grouping by Country and calculating the mean value:
    country_sal = ds_survey_sal.groupby('Res_Country')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
    # Creating the figure:
    x_label = 'Country of Residence'
    y_label = 'Mean Annual Salary'
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (11, 5))
    # Annotating avg salary:
    for country in range(0, 7):
        ax.text(country, (country_sal.values[country] + 1500), str(int(country_sal.values[country]))+'$', c = 'k',
                fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
    # Setting the plot:
    sns.barplot(x = country_sal.index[0:7], y = country_sal.values[0:7], palette = 'winter').set(
    xlabel = x_label,
    ylabel = y_label,
    title = 'Top 7 Mean Annual Salary per Country of Residence - All Occupations',
    ylim = (0,130000))

    Calculating the mean annual income for the different occupations, it looks like data scientists are more likely to be better paid than the others, followed by data engineers.

    For the overall occupations in the Data Science field, bigger companies seem to pay best salaries, and the United States is the country with the highest average salary.

    In [49]:
    def plot_salary(occupation, ds_df = ds_survey_sal, ds_gen = ds_survey_gender, palette = 'GnBu_r', y_top = 90000):
        occupation - string, 1 "Current_Role" (profession) value as string
        ds_df - dataframe with salaries converted to numeric, default = ds_survey_sal
        ds_gen - dataframe with filtered gender, default = ds_suhttps://medium.com/@evertonbin/5-stories-data-tell-us-about-data-scientists-7b970a90a8aarvey_gender
        palette - string, matplotlib palette, default = "GnBu_r"
        y_top = numeric, default = 90000 (limit for y axis)
        figure plot - horizontal bar plot, x = Percentage, y = Relational databases used by each profession
        # Filtering dataframe for specific occupation:
        df1 = ds_df[ds_df['Current_Role'] == occupation]
        # Grouping by Education:
        ed_df = df1.groupby('Education')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
        # Simplifying degree value:
        label_dict = {'Doctoral degree': 'Doctoral',
                      'Master’s degree': 'Master',
                      'Bachelor’s degree': 'Bachelor',
                      'Professional degree': 'Professional',
                      'Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree': 'Not Bachelor',
                      'No formal education past high school': 'High School',
                      'I prefer not to answer': 'No Answer'}
        label = list(ed_df.index)
        for k, v in label_dict.items():
            for i in range(0, len(label)):
                if k == label[i]:
                    label[i] = v
        # Filtering dataframe for specific occupation:
        df2 = ds_gen[ds_gen['Current_Role'] == occupation]
        # Grouping by Gender:
        gen_df = df2.groupby('Gender')['Avg_Salary'].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)
        # Creating the figure:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15.5,7))
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=1,
                               width_ratios= [1, 1, 1],
        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:2])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:3])
        # Annotating avg salary per Education:
        for ed in range(0, len(ed_df.values)):
            ax0.text(ed, (ed_df.values[ed] + 1500), str(int(ed_df.values[ed]))+'$', c = 'k',
                     fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
        # Annotating avg salary per Gender:
        for gn in range(0, len(gen_df.values)):
            ax1.text(gn, (gen_df.values[gn] + 1500), str(int(gen_df.values[gn]))+'$', c = 'k',
                     fontsize=12, fontstretch = 'normal', fontweight = 'light', va= 'center' , ha= 'center')
        # Setting plot 1:
        sns.barplot(x = label, y = ed_df.values, palette = palette,
                    ax = ax0).set_title('Mean Annual Salary by Occupation - ' + occupation)
        ax0.set_xlabel('Educational Level')
        ax0.set_ylabel('Mean Annual Salary')
        ax0.set_ylim(0, y_top)
        # Setting plot 2:
        sns.barplot(x = gen_df.index, y = gen_df.values, palette = palette,
                    ax = ax1).set_title('Mean Annual Salary by Gender - ' + occupation)
        ax1.set_ylabel('Mean Annual Salary')
        ax1.set_ylim(0, y_top)
    In [50]:
    plot_salary(roles_list[0], palette = 'winter')
    In [51]:
    plot_salary(roles_list[1], palette = 'winter')
    In [52]:
    plot_salary(roles_list[2], palette = 'winter')
    In [53]:
    plot_salary(roles_list[3], palette = 'winter')
    In [54]:
    plot_salary(roles_list[4], palette = 'winter', y_top = 100000)

    In terms of salary, there's a lot to consider before jumping to conclusions, since people that have preferred not to declare their gender appear as the ones with the highest mean salary. Also, among data / business analysts and dba/database engineers, people who decided not to anwer about their educational level appear well ranked with better mean annual salaries.

    Given these limitations, Doctoral degree is usually related to highest payments. When it comes to data scientists, data engineers and data analysts, Master's degree also relates to better payment, although it doesn't seem to be true for the other occupations. In the other hand, Bachelor's degree cannot be related to higher incomes, what could indicate that, except for Doctoral and Master's degree, more important than the educational background is the knowledge in the field of interest.

    Sadly, but not surprisingly, women have lower average salary in comparison to men in all the Data Science fields treated here.

    4- Predictive Model


    In [55]:
    # Tranforming specific columns to dummy format:
    full_list = platforms_list + activities_list + languages_list + mlframew_list + reldb_list
    for col in full_list:
        bool_col = ds_survey[col].isnull()
        for i in range(0, len(bool_col)):
            if bool_col[i]:
                ds_survey[col].iloc[i] = int(0)
                ds_survey[col].iloc[i] = int(1)
        ds_survey[col] = pd.to_numeric(ds_survey[col])
    In [56]:
    #Tranforming Current Role into categorical type, since that's the column we want to predict:
    ds_survey['Current_Role'] = ds_survey['Current_Role'].astype('category')
    In [57]:
    # Getting dummies from the other columns of interest:
    cat_columns = ['Education', 'Years_Coding']
    df_model = pd.get_dummies(ds_survey, columns = cat_columns, drop_first = True)
    (7241, 75)
    In [58]:
    # Since we want to see how well educational background, courses, skills and activities can distinguish different roles,
    # we are going to drop the other columns that don't relate to that:
    df_model = df_model.drop(columns = ['Age', 'Gender', 'Res_Country', 'Company_Size', 'Annual_Income', 'Avg_Salary'])
    In [59]:
    Current_Role actv_Data-Analysis actv_Data-Infra actv_ML-Prototypes actv_ML-Services actv_ML-Improvement actv_ML-Reserach actv_None actv_Other course_Udacity ... Education_Master’s degree Education_No formal education past high school Education_Professional degree Education_Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree Years_Coding_10-20 years Years_Coding_20+ years Years_Coding_3-5 years Years_Coding_5-10 years Years_Coding_< 1 years Years_Coding_I have never written code
    0 Data Scientist 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
    1 Data Scientist 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
    2 Data Scientist 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
    3 Data Scientist 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
    4 Data Analyst 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

    5 rows × 69 columns

    In [60]:
    # Splitting dataframe into X and y:
    X = df_model.loc[:, df_model.columns != 'Current_Role']
    y = df_model['Current_Role']

    Feature Selection

    In [61]:
    # Creating a Decision Tree model for the whole dataframe to check for main variables:
    tree_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state = 100)
    tree_model.fit(X, y)
    In [62]:
    # Checking feature importance:
    feat_imp = pd.DataFrame()
    feat_imp['Feature'] = X.columns
    feat_imp['Importance'] = tree_model.feature_importances_
    feat_imp = feat_imp.sort_values('Importance', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
    # Checking 15 first most important features:
    Feature Importance
    0 actv_ML-Prototypes 0.074791
    1 course_Coursera 0.029422
    2 course_Kaggle 0.027685
    3 Education_Master’s degree 0.027355
    4 actv_ML-Services 0.027031
    5 Years_Coding_3-5 years 0.025205
    6 actv_Data-Analysis 0.025051
    7 course_DataCamp 0.024951
    8 course_Udemy 0.023696
    9 course_edX 0.022296
    10 relDB_MySQL 0.021928
    11 course_University-Degree 0.021565
    12 prog_R 0.021399
    13 ml_framew_RandomForest 0.019996
    14 actv_Data-Infra 0.019663
    In [63]:
    # Checking 15 last important features:
    Feature Importance
    53 prog_C 0.007957
    54 ml_framew_Fast-ai 0.007919
    55 Years_Coding_I have never written code 0.007326
    56 relDB_AWS-relDB-Server 0.007222
    57 Education_I prefer not to answer 0.006886
    58 relDB_AzureSQL 0.006765
    59 Education_No formal education past high school 0.006146
    60 relDB_AWS-DynamoDB 0.005572
    61 relDB_Other 0.004990
    62 Years_Coding_20+ years 0.004944
    63 actv_None 0.004781
    64 actv_Other 0.004185
    65 ml_framew_Other 0.004171
    66 prog_Typerscript 0.003313
    67 prog_None 0.000354

    We can see that one machine learning activity appears as the most important feature to distinguish the different professions. We have seen before that those machine learning activities are most commonly performed by data scientists and that is probably why it was chosen as the most important feature.

    The other main features have similar importance values, being the ones related to courses and activities the most common.

    We are going to select 50 of them to build our predictive model, according to the importance order, and see how well our model performs on predicting which profession relates to each profile.

    In [64]:
    # Selecting 50 first features:
    features = []
    for i in range(0, 50):
        feature = feat_imp.Feature.iloc[i]

    Model Training

    In [65]:
    # Checking class balance:
    Data Scientist           4085
    Data Analyst             1598
    Business Analyst          778
    Data Engineer             624
    DBA/Database Engineer     156
    Name: Current_Role, dtype: int64

    We have five different classes and some of them with only few observations. We are not going to balance the dataframe, since we just want to have an overall view on how well our model can perform when distinguishing the different classes/professions.

    In [66]:
    # Splitting data into train and test sets:
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.30, random_state = 100)
    In [67]:
    # Using GridSearchCV to find the best parameters:
    grid_values = {'n_estimators': [25, 50, 75, 100, 150], 'max_features': [3, 5, 7, 10, 13], 'max_depth': [None, 5, 15, 30]}
    rf_model = RandomForestClassifier()
    grid_rf_f1 = GridSearchCV(rf_model, param_grid = grid_values, scoring = 'f1_micro')
    grid_rf_f1.fit(X_train, y_train)
                 param_grid={'max_depth': [None, 5, 15, 30],
                             'max_features': [3, 5, 7, 10, 13],
                             'n_estimators': [25, 50, 75, 100, 150]},
    In [68]:
    # Best parameters:
    {'max_depth': 15, 'max_features': 7, 'n_estimators': 150}
    In [69]:
    # Best score:
    In [70]:
    # Training model for best parameters:
    rf_final_model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth = 15, max_features = 10, n_estimators = 75)
    rf_final_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    # Predicting for test values:
    y_pred = rf_final_model.predict(X_test)

    Model Evaluation

    In [71]:
    f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average = 'micro')

    We can see that our model has not performed well when it comes to well understand profile differences that would lead to different professions and roles in the Data Science field.

    But it makes sense. Data Science is a relatively new field and it is characterized by the intersection of different areas of knowledge, such as statistics, computer science and business. With that being said, even though one data scientist may not be responsible for data infrastructure, he will still have to know some programming language, while one data engineer may not perform with machine learning algorithms, but still will have to deal with data transformation when creating data pipelines.

    It's still common to see companies announcing job opportunities, let's say, for a data analyst, while the job description refers to a data engineer. We couldn't call it a big mistake, once these different 'specializations' have so much in common, and in some companies they are responsible for the whole process, from data structure to model deployment.

    5- Conclusion

  • Education: a significant portion of the participants in the Kaggle Survey has a Master's degree, still attending online courses in platforms like Coursera, Udemy, DataCamp, Udacity and many others is very common.
  • Activities: it's not all about machine learning algorithms. No matter what is your specialization in the Data Science field, it is likely that you will have to deal with data analysis procedures.
  • Tools: the most used programming languages are Python and SQL and the most popular machine learning frameworks are the whole Scikit-Learn package along with Keras and Random Forest itself. When it comes to relational databases, MySQL is the one that stands out.
  • Salary: data scientists tend to present some advantages when it comes to money incomes, especially if they live in the USA, and big companies tend to offer better salaries than the smaller ones. Although, we still have bad news: even in this field, women have lower payments in comparison to men.
  • Education x Salary: Doctoral and Master's degrees seem to turbine money incomes, but there are a lot of professionals with different educational backgrounds from Bachelor's degree to only High School and there is no significant difference in their salaries, which may indicate that the Data Science field is open to those who are dedicated to developing the necessary skills.
  • In [ ]: